Equine & CBD
HempMy Pet™ Abacus™ CBD Case Study and Testimonials
Bocoy Stables
This is a story of a troubled horse finding the “thing” that clicked, that worked. His story of finding his way isn’t like most. When I first met Wise Guy there wasn’t an instant bond, or momentous music playing in the background as his eyes met mine. Nothing like the movies. Actually there was nothing at all. The only thing really memorable about him was how angry he was and how he managed to kick out the walls of two of my stalls in just the first month. Wise Guy came to my farm in 2017 just as a boarding horse and my interactions with him were less than enjoyable. He had just been gifted to a trainer after being let out to pasture, and then donated as he had given his then heartbroken owner/rider no other choice. To understand the heartbreak about this horse you really have to know his story.
Wise Guy was purchased in Europe for well into the six-figures as a four-year-old. His purchase meant his then rider and owners could dream of the future Olympic games. In fact, in his appraisal Wise Guy was said to have “an amazing talent for dressage, exhibiting Olympic-caliber paces,” a dream horse. Wise Guy spent his first couple years in the USA training with some of the most talented and well recognized international riders and trainers in the world. They all saw a dream in Wise Guy, but there something that was boiling under the surface that would eventually lead to the dream becoming a heartache. As Wise Guy climbed the levels he began to exhibit odd behaviors; aggressive behaviors. He wasn’t handling the pressures of the training and competition life well. Unlike most young horses that adjust to added pressures, Wise Guy’s behaviors only seemed to escalate. When I spoke years later to some of his past riders and people that knew him them it was like a broken record; “I had never been so scared in my life”, “he was so amazing, but something broke”, “he’s dangerous” and the one that still affects me today “you should just put him down.”

So how did I end up with a “dangerous” horse that I didn’t even like? Well, I rode him. Once. Now someone can cue the movie music and fireworks. Wise Guy had just made a spectacle of himself at a horse show with his current rider and he needed a break from the disappointment and behavior, so he let me ride him. I was in awe of him, Wise Guy however was not so impressed with me, as he didn’t let me put my right leg on him at all and when I did his sides would tremble and then there was the rearing and spinning. But you know? Details, details. His current owner/rider and amazingly talented international trainer saw me smiling and the horse seriously confused by why I wasn’t scared of him and laughing at his “crazy”. So he did something I will never be able to repay him for. He handed me Wise Guy and said “have a go at it, but don’t die.” He gave me the responsible adult talk about not getting hurt or getting my hopes to high because Wise Guy will most likely crush any dreams I might be crazy enough to dream up, but honestly I think he just thought we were both just crazy enough for each other. So there I stood a child in the eyes of the Dressage world with a horse that every top trainer and vet had tried to “fix.” Well done Audrie, now what?
The first few months with Wise Guy went like you would expect; great till we were rearing, spinning and terrifying anyone that was near us. But then by complete chance I met a Vet that would give Wise Guy a second chance. Dr. David Da Silva of Fairfield Equine evaluated Wise Guy, and to say there were problems was an understatement, but Dr. Da Silva spent the next few months just getting Wise Guy physically comfortable. But fixing a horse’s body doesn’t always fix the mind as my Vet explained. I had already tried thousands of dollars worth of calming drugs and supplements with little long-term help, and then he suggested CBD oil. I honestly was not only surprised, but also uncertain. I had no knowledge of CBD oil or hemp products and my thoughts went straight to my horse being “stoned” and living a fog, but after hours of my own research I realized this couldn’t be farther from the truth. I found HempMy Pet™ by complete accident, thanks to Google, and I sent all the information to my Vet and he put together a dosage plan to coincide with his new training plan.
I remember giving it to him the first time still feeling so apprehensive. I had used every top product on the market with no results. How can this little bottle do anything? Well, I got results. Within days, yes days! Wise Guy’s anxiety went from a 10 to a 3. I was able to start riding him without riding around his “issues.” I didn’t feel I was on the defensive always waiting for the explosion. So was my Vet a genius? Was the product magic? Maybe both? Honestly, I was so happy to actually be enjoying him without feeling he hated every second of it was alone worth it.
However, the real test was taking him to a horse show. Wise Guy was infamously terrible at horse shows, he would seem well put together till the pressure turned up and then there would be rearing, spinning and a horse that had once had Olympic goals quickly was nothing more then a side show. Well, a few weeks into using HempMy Pet™ I knew I had to take him somewhere. I remember loading him into the trailer thinking “this is not a good idea,” mostly because this time of year in Wellington, Florida holds the largest and longest horse competition season you can imagine. Thousands of horses from all over the world come here to compete. Talk about an electric atmosphere. When I got there with Wise Guy there were top horses practicing, trainers coaching and staff bustling about. Wise Guy walked into the ring like an old pro. He wasn’t tense, wasn’t nervous, and didn’t put a bad foot forward.
For the first time I saw hope. I can work with hope. Thanks to HempMy Pet™ he wasn’t drugged or drowsy. He was 100% himself, just a better him, a new him. He was a horse with not a chance left in this world and I could see a simmer of hope. This hope has now turned into goals. This summer we plan on beginning to compete and if all goes well we plan to make a return to the Global Horse Show in Wellington, FL but this time as competitors. Thank you to HempMy Pet™ for giving us a tool that allowed Wise Guy a chance to be what he was always meant to be. Wise Guy has a forever home with us here at Bocoy Stables.
CBD Testimonial
Fia Perera
Fogata Del Jardin is a 23 year old Hanoverian (W line) mare who developed Cushings couple of years ago and was recently diagnosed with DSLD.
Since the Cushings diagnosis, she has been on pergolide. During the time she was on the CBD oil, along with supplements, her discomfort primarily from the DSLD in the affected hind (especially chronic pain from left hind leg injury) was demonstrably lessened. Throughout the time I administered the CBD, I could see a difference in her level of discomfort.
Pain management is critically important for DSLD which is a degenerative, progressively worsening, connective tissue disorder throughout the body. At this point, it’s primarily expressed bilaterally in the suspensory structures. There is no treatment and no cure for DSLD. It is ultimately terminal when the horse can no longer stand. I feel CBDs are crucial for prolonging the life of my horse.
My hope is that Fogata could be put on a controlled trial so that we could measure results more closely and accurately.
Thank you, Aria Edry – and Fogata thanks you as well!
CBD Testimonial
Fia Perera
I rescued my sweet horse Remy several years ago. When I got Remy he suffered from arthritis, suspensory issues to his front right leg and was extremely irritable. Whenever we did a gentle trail ride ( at a walk) he was always stiff at first which worried me. Fortunately, I come across HempMy Pet’s Equine CBD as a recommendation from a good friend.
At first I was doubtful that it would have an effect but after only a few weeks I saw noticeable improvement in Remy’s movement and gait. He was less stiff on our rides and his mood drastically improved. In fact, he doesn’t nip anymore!
I am thrilled with the effectiveness of this product and highly recommend it to horse owners everywhere who want to give their horses a great natural, safe alternative to toxic expensive prescriptions that do more harm than good and don’t work long term.
Trust me, you and your horses will love this incredible product. I intend to keep Remy on it long term. So grateful to HempMy Pet for helping Remy!
CBD Testimonial
Larry C.
CBD oil is not an anecdote for aging, and it won’t turn my 12-year-old mare into a 5-year-old mare – I never expected that from the beginning. The CBD oil has reduced her aches and pains and that has released her to perform more like her younger self and she seems happier and more agile. This is everything we hoped for and without resulting to NSAID pharma medications so I will be ordering more oil going forward.
Like all athletes, Ichi has become a bit sensitive to the aches and pains of competition, and we started to consider Equioxx – an NSAID. We talked this over with our vet as well as alternatives, including CBD oil… Our vet approved the idea and we contacted you…and here we are today!
Ichi has responded well to the CBD oil, she is moving her front feet and stopping like she used to do…very quickly! She’s also become better at pivoting off her hind legs! Ichi is performing better and seems to be more like her old self…all positive results!
Oh, and by the way…she loves the oil!
Take a look at some additional Blog articles:
The Benefits of Horse CBD: why it is gaining popularity
Benefits of Horse CBD: how it can help
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